Social Dude

Internet Technology

Create a Winning CTA on Your Sign Up Form with MailPod - MailPod

 A How to create a winning Call-To-Action (CTA) on your Sign-Up Form? Well, you have put tremendous efforts in finding the perfect incentives to attract subscribers but now you have no clue of how to bring them to avail that offer. Create a sign-up form that entices subscribers to take action. MailPod performs the best email marketing for small businesses and helps you create an effective sign-up form with an enticing CTA. Call-To-Actio...

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Best Email Marketing Tips on Fall GIF Guide - MailPod

Wondering about how to attract subscriber's attention? Here is a way, including GIFs. Studies show GIFs in an email increases the click-through rate by 42% and conversion rates by 103%. It will positively impact your revenues and email marketing campaigns. It is already proven that visuals increase engagements. For example: Posts with images on Facebook get 2.3 times more engagement as compared to the posts without images.Visual garners result in...

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  901 Hits

Can Aloe Vera be a Natural Treatment for Piles ?

Have you ever had sun burns, itchy skin or acne ? If yes, then you must have heard about the wonders of Aloe vera. It is one of the best natural remedies when it comes to achieving healthy and radiant skin. Which is why it is commonly incorporated in cosmetic products. But are the wonders of Aloe vera just limited to the skin ? Have you ever wondered if it's soothing effect can be used to deal with the symptoms of gastrointestinal issues as well ...

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Can Coronavirus be the reason behind Your Stomach Ache ? Find out before it’s too Late

​Coronavirus has affected Earth as no other pathogen has in the past. While the medical fraternity is doing everything to fight Corona and keep the people safe, it's no denying that people are doing their part as well in controlling the pandemic by staying at home. While most people know that common Coronavirus symptom include : Dry cough, fever, runny nose, general body weakness and difficulty in breathing and other symptoms may also involve los...

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  1024 Hits

6 Highly Effective Tips for Improving Digestive Problems

Digestive problems can turn your happy day into an unhappy one. It's not the best feeling in the world and you know it. Imagine how devastating it would be to have the best time of your life only to be interrupted by a poor digestive system. If you have a digestive issue and you do nothing to rectify the same, the rest of the remaining digestive problems will simply add on to the first one, leaving you in an uncomfortable mess. Digestive issues t...

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  863 Hits

Five proven ways with which you can boost your Immunity

Is it easy for you to fall sick? Does it happen very often? Are you one of those people that spend most of their time tucked away in their bed with a thermometer in their mouths because of recurrent fever and general body weakness? Do you cancel plans because you're not feeling well again? If all this happens to you quite often and very easily then you could have a weak immune system. Your immune system is like your body's army which defends your...

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  939 Hits

How one architecture student found her dream job building imaginary worlds?

For Camilla Pizarro, making movies wasn't always a career she saw herself in. But to date, she has earned a reputation as a highly regarded art director, set designer, and production designer for dozens of television shows, commercials, and AAA feature films viewed by millions around the globe. How exactly did that happen? "It started after I found an internship at a set design company called Folguedo," Pizarro recalls. The position started just ...

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  1530 Hits

Social Media is the Most Trending Platform for Ecommerce in Bulgaria

Bulgaria has experienced a rapid growth in the number of internet users since 2000, which spiked from 430,000 to 3.4 million in 2010. Many experts link this rise to the fact that the nation enjoys one of the world's fastest internet broadband connections. In 2014, the country's online marketing value was calculated at 2.6 billion euros by the National Statistical Institute, recording more than 925,000 online shoppers. This trend indicates a yearl...

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  2444 Hits