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Let Us Help You Get Your Hair Back

LHT is one of the most renowned and reliable hair transplant centers in Pakistan. Hair transplant is done to give a permanent solution to the baldness. Hair follicles harvested from the donor to the patient scalp. Two methods of doing it are Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Both this technique is being implemented at ILHT according to the needs of the patients. Hair transplantation has certainly improved during the last few years and now hair transplants produce good results.

At ILHT Pakistan, we take good care of our patients and their needs. Take blood tests and then the best treatment is advised to the patient. Our doctors conduct complete consultative sessions with the patients, and they try to gather complete information about their hair loss causes. After getting complete information, all the best possible solutions are given to the patient and then with patient consent and doctor's advice final decision are made.

ILHT has got plenty of successful cases, and that is the reason FUT hair transplant Islambad is appreciated not only by the general public but also by many renowned celebrities. It's because of the best treatment that ILHT provide all the patients get positive and best results. Our patients get satisfied with our services, and that is the reason they advise others to take help from us. No matter your hair loss is less or more, experienced, and well-trained professionals will take care of your hair transplant with the state of the art centers and equipment.

You will not only get best hair transplant facilities, but you will also get complete knowledge about the care after hair transplantation. You need to make sure that you strictly follow all the advice and instructions by the practitioners to get everything going in the perfect way. After getting hair transplantation, you can continue your normal life as you can wash, comb and get a cutting to your hair in the normal way.

Hair Transplant Surgery of hair Hub:

Usman is also a member of ILHT family as he got a hair transplant done. 2780 grafts planted during his hair transplant, and he became satisfied with the work of ILHT. If you are having any problem and were feeling shy to discuss, then you need to consult our staff, and they will guide you in the best manner keeping your requirements in mind.

Worried about Hair Loss?

You may have started to see gentle to direct going bald. You're worried about your appearance however not actually sure what to do straightaway. Becoming familiar with male example going bald, its causes, and treatment alternatives are acceptable initial steps.

PROPECIA is the solitary FDA-endorsed pill showed to treat male example balding on the vertex (head of head) and foremost mid-scalp territory (center front of head) in men as it were. Converse with ILHT HAIR specialist about PROPECIA today! The sooner you start treatment of your condition, the more hair you will probably have later.

Rogaine applies on your scalp to develop your hair follicles and animate hair re-development. It contains the main Non-Prescription, FDA affirmed fixing (Minoxidil) that is clinically demonstrated to re-develop hair. The creators of Rogaine have finished up thorough clinical investigations with more than 20,000 patients to demonstrate how sheltered and viable Minoxidil is for re-developing hair. Rogaine is a skin fluid, not a foundational drug. That implies it's applied to the head of your scalp, rather than taken inside. Make certain to utilize Rogaine just as coordinated.

Laser Comb is using the logical rule of "Photograph Biostimulation"; the Laser Comb dynamically improves the presence of your hair after some time. The Laser Comb outfits the stimulating and feeding impacts of Laser Phototherapy to make hair look sound and lively. Light is vitality. Living cells flourish in light, and your hair is the same. The outcome is that the presence of your hair will thrive, and you will like your hair once more.

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