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Nadia Ali: Is It Love

By Blagovest Georgiev in Музика/Music 1722 просмотров 11 янв, 2011 Длительность видео 00:04:27
Picture collage to one of my favorite songs... Nadia Ali - Is It Love

I never knew a love
A love that could be sweeter
No matter what my mind says
You're music gives me fever
The moment that we danced
Your arms felt like a cradle
And when you took my hand
I was no longer able

It never felt so right before
I need to be with you much more
I can't believe this kind of fate
We can runaway...

Is it love? (repeat)

I'm always in a spell
even when I'm sleeping
You're always on my mind
I hope that i'm not dreaming

If i am let me stay asleep
Don't wake me up i feel complete
I never want to feel it end
What a lovely moment

Is it love? (Repeat)

I wanna give you my love
overtime all the time, all the time
I wanna make love to you
all the time, all the time
I wanna be right next to you
all the time, all the time
I wanna be in love with you
all the time, all the time

Is it love? (repeat)

love... love.. love... love

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