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НЛО (извънземни) над летище в Китай

By Blagovest Georgiev in Пътуване/Travel 2483 просмотров 7 окт, 2010 Длительность видео 00:00:35
An airport in inner Mongolia reportedly shut down due to UFO sightings. (10/6)

Ufo causes airport shutdown Baotou, Mongolia:

UFO sightings at an airport in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, have forced the airport to shut down in order to prevent passenger planes crashing into a UFO, according to reports. Three flights from Shanghai and Beijing were apparently forced to circle the airport until the "UFO" disappeared.

Two other flights were diverted away from the area to the nearby cities of Ordos and Taiyuan. The airport was closed for an hour "to guarantee safety" according to a spokesman. YouTube has a video showing a black night with small lights flitting over the sky. While there is no denying the airport closure, the validity of the video cannot be verified.

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