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Playstation 4 THE REAL CONCEPT

By Константин Цонков in Технологии/Technology 2868 views 15th Feb, 2011 Video Duration: 00:00:49
This is the new possible concept
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Perhaps the release time of Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) is still years away, and Sony hasn't let a word slip about any game system to follow the PS3. But according to the learned observers of this gaming industry, we can probably make some educated guess about what the next PlayStation, PS4 might be.

Here are some of educated guess provided by Digital Trends:

No Disc Drive - The PS4 will have no disc drive, depending entirely on an Internet connection for browsing and accessing games. Games may not be instantly playable (as they will be on the upcoming OnLive), but development will likely change to quicken download times significantly.

Lower Price and Fewer Features - Sony must have learned its lesson on this one, by now. The PlayStation 3 launched at $600, and though it stood head and shoulders above every other console on the market as the most powerful console, sales tanked on its price tag alone.

A Multimedia Machine - Expect to see the PlayStation 4 marketed as much as a home media server as a game console, because it will pretty much replace your cable box, video library, laptop, and the rental store down the block.

More Power - Power ratchets up a notch, making graphics look even closer to life. While the existing PlayStation 3 already does pretty well in this arena, with visuals that stand out as the best on any existing console, you can expect the PS4 to generate the kind of graphics than have hitherto only been available in the very highest echelon of gaming PCs.

Motion Controller - Just look how many people loved the Wii's motion controller, I am pretty sure Sony also wants piece of this big pie


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