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"Would You Be Impressed?" By Streetlight Manifesto (Official Music Video)

By Blagovest Georgiev in Музика/Music 2208 views 25th Apr, 2011 Video Duration: 00:03:32
This is Streetlight Manifesto's second music video, this time for "Would You Be Impressed?" from the record "Somewhere In The Between". It was animated by Jurjen Bosklopper


The creation of this video was funded entirely by the band, after our label refused to help us make a second video for our record. Our record label forced YouTube to remove our last music video from our account by claiming that using our own recorded music was a "copyright violation". If this video disappears from our account, we just want everyone to understand why. If you dig our band, or any band for that matter, make sure your support goes straight to the band and not to the companies that often times reap the benefits of the band's success without actually ever helping the band. Thanks.

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