
Arthur C. Clarke isn't credited with creating the first search engine; that honor goes to a student at McGill University during the infancy of the Internet. Clarke, however, certainly had a handle on what we're still looking for in his HAL 9000 creat...
  1.   Tuesday, 22 May 2018
  2.   Интересно/Popular
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In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica-Facebook data scandal, Facebook is changing the way that it operates, by putting business posts on the back burner. This is reportedly a response to "Facebook fatigue", which is a euphemism for people getting ti...
A €150 million injection is a welcome surprise for Bulgarian entrepreneurs, as was recently announced at the Sofia Startup Show. For entrepreneurs, cash is always top of mind when running the day-to-day activities, which means careful attention shoul...
Technology commercialization seems a complicated term at first sight, but its meaning is an easy one: the process of transforming knowledge into services/ products. Simple, but exceptional ideas are analyzed in labs, converted into services and produ...
The world around us is changing rapidly at a faster rate. High-technological advances and the internet seem to be the centre of attraction today driving us toward globalization. Millions of people from different corners of the world worship high-tech...
  1.   Wednesday, 11 April 2018
  2.   Интересно/Popular
  3. 0 Comments
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