Social Dude

Internet Technology

It is just as ridiculous the contrary manner.

I needed to come to the comments to find out wtf they were referring to as black face because the Animal Crossing Items character does not look black to me. The drawing is actually pretty ambiguousShe is literally 16 years old and has gone through horrible loss with her mother and her sister expiring recently (seperate incidents), and she has to take care of randoms attacking her bc of a tan. She's had a rough fucking go of it, idk how peopl...

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  805 Hits

The Advantages Of Virtual Sports Betting

One of the virtual sports betting advantage is that you don’t wait for long before you know your bet’s outcome. The maximum it can take is 3 minutes. And that makes this type of betting pretty appealing to sports fans. Today it's possible to get and manage your virtual sports team and start betting on computer-generated matches and tournaments. These include tennis, baseball, hockey, football, horse racing, hockey, and many more. What is a virtua...

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  1498 Hits

Fun facts about online casino games

Online casinos in India and around the world are viewed with curiosity, intrigue and awe. There are several misconceptions about online casino gaming and some historical stories. Sadly, most myths and legends are inaccurate and unfounded. Below, we gathered some interesting facts about online casino gaming along with Casino Express India. We look forward to hearing some new information before you start to play online casino games in India at the ...

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  797 Hits

Tips & Tricks to Avoid Getting Cheated in Online Casinos

It's time to turn to Vegas in casinos. The days have past. You could be anywhere in the world and still play money. With online gaming you can gain huge sums of money. So what is the catch? What is the catch? Just 'scam' and 'deception' build a sense of reluctance surrounding online casino games. The game is big, which is why you must be careful where you position your faith and resources. Any place you will play does not have the right motives b...

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  842 Hits

Are you doing these for your business's security?

No matter what you are doing for your organisation's cybersecurity, it is never enough and you are always exposed to some amount of risk. However, there are some basic cybersecurity practices that are highlighted time and again, yet they are not followed to a T. Make sure you follow these rules to a T to protect your business against cyber attacks. Password security: Did you know that 63% of data breaches occur on account of weak or compromised p...

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  825 Hits

How local retailers are using flexible solutions to stay lean

Operating a retail business is complex; employees, taxes, legal, web development are all necessary pieces for a company of any size. And there is a cost to each one. We all know that every bakery or florist or retailer can't afford to employ a dedicated accountant, or an in-house web developer. A number of flexible solutions have sprung up to solve these issues while allowing local retailers to stay lean and focus on the core parts of their busin...

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  748 Hits

How to create a compelling product page that sells? - MailPod

How to grab visitor's attention in nanoseconds? Create a product page that automatically induces sales. Visuals play a very dominant role in our day to day life, and they are as important in the business world. In this digital era, if you want your visitor or potential customer to stay, then you have to create a compelling product page. Your Product Page is the deciding factor, either you can make a sale or lose a potential customer. Also, the pr...

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  1025 Hits

Create a Winning CTA on Your Sign Up Form with MailPod - MailPod

 A How to create a winning Call-To-Action (CTA) on your Sign-Up Form? Well, you have put tremendous efforts in finding the perfect incentives to attract subscribers but now you have no clue of how to bring them to avail that offer. Create a sign-up form that entices subscribers to take action. MailPod performs the best email marketing for small businesses and helps you create an effective sign-up form with an enticing CTA. Call-To-Actio...

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  847 Hits