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Rubik's cube official world record 7.08 Erik Akkersdijk

By Blagovest Georgiev in Стил/HowTo 2920 views 24th Май, 2010 Video Duration: 00:01:27
This is the official world record for solving a Rubik's cube in 7.08 seconds for a single solve.

My website: http://www.erikku.110mb.com

My name is Erik Akkersdijk, a 20 year old Dutch student.
If you want anything (to use this video, interview me, have me in any media etc.) in cooperation with me, please send me a personal message on youtube or email me if you have my address.
Currently I'm looking for a sponsor, if you know any company willing to sponsor please let me know!

Czech open 2008 Pardubice.
Thanks to Zalán Mihály for judging me and thanks to Arnaud van Galen for shooting this vid!
The trick is to be distracted by something so cubing is not priority anymore.
Full results for the Czech Open can be found here: http://www.worldcubeassociation.org/results/c.php?allResults=All+Results&competitionId=CzechOpen2008
For my website check: http://www.erikku.110mb.com
Hope you enjoyed! Let's hope this will stand for a bit longer than my last WR on 3x3 ;-)

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